Research Opportunity: Poll on HRT and Top/Bottom Surgery

Research Opportunity: Poll on HRT and Top/Bottom Surgery

Charlie, one of my favorite people ever, is currently running a poll on HRT and top/bottom surgery for an upcoming presentation.

The following is from Charlie:

This is a two part poll for those who have experience trying to access hormones and or top/bottom surgery. The purpose of the poll is to collect some quick community data for my MedX Ed presentation on the informed consent vs World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care, and it will remain open until Thursday (24th). Please feel free to share amongst your networks so that as much of the trans community’s experience can be represented as possible. I also encourage you to respond to the poll with your comments, thoughts, and concerns about the standards/models so that they can be reflected in the talk/Q&A portion.

You can find the poll on Charlie’s Twitter. Part 1 on HRT is here and part 2 on top/bottom surgery is here.