Sex Work

a woman sits in lacy underwear with cash popping out of the top of the underwear

Sex work is any type of labor where the explicit goal is to produce a sexual or erotic response in the client. Sex work includes prostitution, but it also includes a bunch of other things like erotic dancing, pro-dom/pro-sub work, webcam work, sensual massage, adult film, phone sex, being a sugar baby, etc.

Other notes

Further Reading


Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion; or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age.

Labor trafficking in the adult industry involves exploitation in massage parlors, strip clubs and cam work. (link)

Additional Reading


  • Myth: 300,000 children are trafficked in the U.S. each year.Fact: This statistic, collected by the Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 2001, is the high estimate of all male and female children not living at home, who are viewed as vulnerable to exploitation of any kind. -SWOP
  • Myth: The average adolescent prostitute is a female who is virtually a slave to a pimp.Fact: According to a study of New York adolescents in the sex trade, nearly half of adolescents are male or transgender. Only 8% were coerced into entering the sex industry.
  • Myth: 68 percent of sex workers report post-traumatic stress disorder on the same level as those who served in military combat.Fact: This statistic refers to individuals in nine countries who were contacted via social service organizations, and the methodology behind this study has never been released to the public. The psychological effects of prostitution are remarkably variable depending on the sector, country, and individual worker. -SWOP
  • Myth: The average age of entry is 13 or 14.Fact: This figure references informal knowledge of social workers working with adolescents and ‘survivor’ organizations. Indoor sex workers, who comprise over 80% of the industry, are significantly less likely to enter as adolescents. -SWOP
  • Myth: The sex trade is inherently harmful.Fact: Violence, mental and physical health risks, and marginalization are not inherent to the sex trade, any more than they are inherent to sexual identity or orientation. Stigma and criminalization are the root causes of harm directly related to sex work. These harms are compounded by intersecting oppression for large numbers of sex workers. -SWOP
  • Myth: Prostitution is violence against women (or gang rape, or slavery)Fact: Although violence, particularly against street workers, is common, most violence is perpetrated by non-clients, individuals who pose as clients, law enforcement officials, and a very small proportion of clients. The same goes for clients of indoor workers. While news reports frequently vilify clients of sex workers, even abolitionist organizations recognize diversity in what motivates clients to solicit prostitutes. -SWOP
  • Ending Violence Against Sex Workers Means Abolishing Police and Prisons
  • To End Sex Trafficking, Stop Arresting Sex Workers
  • Why is Sex Work an LGBTQ Issue?


Negative Impacts
Trafficking Victims Against SESTA/FOSTA

How Criminalization Hurts

Further Reading



Equity Issues

Protecting Yourself


People & Social

Organizations & Support



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  • Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights by Molly Smith, and Juno Mac
  • Thriving in Sex Work: Heartfelt Advice for Staying Sane in the Sex Industry by Lola Davina
  • Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work by Melissa Gira Grant
  • Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work by Katie Hail-Jares, Corey S. Shdaimah, and Chrysanthi S. Leon
  • Coming Out Like a Porn Star Essays on Pornography, Protection, and Privacy, edited by Jiz Lee

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