Combating Anti-Asian/American Bigotry

Combating Anti-Asian/American Bigotry

In case you did not see the news yet, there was an attack yesterday on Asian women in Atlanta by a white supremacist. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling called to action in response. This comes at a time when anti-Asian/American violence is on the rise.

In that light, I wanted to highlight a series of bystander trainings to combat anti-Asian violence from Hollaback!. If you’re not familiar with Hollaback!, they are an organization that focuses on ending harassment in all forms. They do this by offering resources, conducting research, and providing trainings. If I recall correctly, the focused training around anti-Asian/American violence came about after early COVID-19 remarks.

Resources and ideas for action

I will be honest and say that I don’t know how to wrap up this post. I don’t want to center my own feelings, but also want to acknowledge that many of us may be feeling similar things – shock, grief, anger, etc. It’s important to let ourselves feel these things and use the motivation they may give us to do something measurable.