Survey on Chronic Pain & Kink

sunny picture of a femme person in a field with an orange overlay and white text: Survey on Chronic Pain & Kink - Chronic Sex

Caroline Ballinger, a psychology student working in Dr. Karen Beale’s lab at Maryville College, is working on their senior thesis. They are researching the ways that people living with chronic pain cope and how that relates to their sexual behavior and satisfaction. This research survey has been approved by the Institutional Review Board and can only be taken by people who are 18 years old or older.

If you choose to participate, there is a link below that will take you to a 30-minute anonymous survey. You will be asked specific questions about sex and your chronic pain. Some of the questions are of a very sensitive nature, but please answer the questions as accurately and honestly as possible. If at any point during the survey you decide that you no longer want to participate, you can choose to stop taking the survey with no penalty.

If you would like more information about this topic, resources will be shared at the end of the survey, and you may contact Caroline Ballinger with any questions or comments, or you may contact her supervisor Dr. Karen Beale.

You can complete the survey here.

I took it and it was super easy. I hope you’ll consider taking it, too.

Research Opportunity: Disability and Reproductive Health

The following is a current research opportunity.

There is not enough research about women’s health–especially about women with disabilities!

We are doing this study to understand the day-to-day challenges of women with disabilities in getting women’s healthcare. We need a better way to learn how to provide the best care and meet the needs of reproductive-aged women with disability.

If you are an 18-40 year old woman with a physical, developmental, or cognitive disability, you may be eligible for our survey. Click here to go to the study page or email for more information. You can call 801-585-9360 if you’d like/need a member of the University of Utah nursing staff to assist you.

Additionally, filling out the survey gets you a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card.

If you have questions, please contact Lauren Clark, RN, at 801-581-8576 or Sara Simonsen, CNM, at 801-595-9360.

Compersion in Nonmonogamous Relationships Study

Have you ever experienced joy (rather than jealousy) when your partner(s) found love with another partner, in the context of a committed, consensually nonmonogamous relationship? If you are 21 years old or over, speak English, and answered yes to the question above, you might be eligible to participate in a doctoral study on the topic of compersion.

Participation includes one 45 to 75 minutes-long interview (in-person or over Skype) and one 20 to 30 minutes follow-up interview. Your confidentiality will be protected. For more details, please contact Marie Isabelle Thouin-Savard, Ph.D. candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies, at

Trans Experiences in Therapy

comic book style graphic with yellow background and red & black outlined text bubble: "Trans experiences in therapy research opportunity chronic sex"

A group of researchers from Towson University is conducting research on the experiences of therapy as an individual with a trans identity or history. I’m especially excited about this because trans people are even involved in the research!

If you choose to participate in this research, you will be asked to complete a brief online survey, which should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. During the survey, you will be asked to think about your experiences in therapy and provide examples of events that may have happened in these therapy sessions.

You will not be asked to give information that would allow anyone to identify you and you do not have to answer every question.

The Towson University Institutional Review Board has approved this study. If you have any questions regarding this research or its purposes, please contact the faculty advisor for this project, Dr. Paz Galupo, at, or the primary investigator, Ezra Morris, at If you have any questions pertaining to your rights as a participant, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Katz, Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants, at (410) 704-2236.

Click here to participate.

BDSM-Kink Online Survey

Do you have experience with BDSM/Kink sexuality (e.g., role play, bondage, dominance, discipline, S&M, eroticized pain and/or power play)?

Renae Mitchell and Charlene Muehlenhard at the University of Kansas are looking for volunteers to fill out an online survey about how people communicate in sexual encounters that involve BDSM/Kink sexuality.

They are looking for individuals

  • who are age 18 or over,
  • who have had at least two sexual encounters that involved BDSM/kink experiences and/or eroticized pain or power play, and
  • who are interested in filling out a short (less than 30-minute) anonymous online survey.

This study is being conducted as graduate student research at the University of Kansas and has been approved by the university’s institutional review board (IRB).

If you are interested in filling out a survey about your experiences with BDSM/Kink sexuality, click here.

Completion of the survey indicates your willingness to take part in this study and that you are at least 18 years old. If you have any additional questions about your rights as a research participant, you may call (785) 864-7429 or write the Human Subjects Committee Lawrence Campus (HSCL), University of Kansas, 2385 Irving Hill Road, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7563, email Additionally, you can reach Renae at or Charlene at

Photo with trans flag hanging on right side; left side has a blue text box with white line around the outside and black text "Are you trans, nonbinary, or otherwise non-cisgender? Are you 18+ and living in the USA? Click here to try out and provide feedback about an affirming resource aimed at improving wellbeing for trans people! The research study is anonymous and will take 30-45 minutes. You will have a chance to be entered into a lottery for one of five $50 incentives, either as an Amazon Gift Card or donation to Trans Lifeline, your choice!"; bottom righthand corner has black text as well ""

Trans Wellness Study

Caitlin Merrill from the University of California-Santa Barbara is conducting a study around an internet-based intervention to improve the psychological well-being of trans peeps.

You will be asked to complete a series of online activities, answer questions about wellbeing, including questions about distress and drug and alcohol use, and provide demographic information. Activities may include reading text, reflecting on your previous experiences, responding to open-ended questions, listening to audio recordings, and watching videos. Because some of the activities may require the use of audio and video capabilities, and the personal nature of the questions you will be asked, we recommend completing this study in a private location.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this study, please contact Caitlin Merrill by email ( or Tania Israel by e-mail ( or by phone at (805) 893-5008. If you have any questions regarding the rights of research participants, the UCSB Human Subjects Committee can be contacted at 805-893-3807.

This text was pulled from the study description. If you’re interested in participating, please click here. I will say that the videos used do use text without speaking audio. However, because of that, these videos are not accessible for those with visual difficulties. Other videos with speaking audio rely on the YouTube captioning system, that isn’t exact. If you’d like to participate still, though, please reach out to Caitlin or Tania using the contact information above to inquire about accessible options.

What is the Pride Study?

The Pride Study is the first large-scale and long-term study of health in the LGBTQIA+ population.

In the end, doctors and scientists at the University of California-San Francisco are going to use the Pride Study to better understand – and then work to improve – the health of the LGBTQIA+ community at large.

One of the biggest problems in tracking health within our community is that gender identity and sexual orientation are often removed from our data – if they’re even collected. That means there’s just no way to find those in our community and track their health over time.


To be eligible, you have to live in the United States and identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. You can check your eligibility status here. If you know someone who would qualify but does not have internet access, they can call 855-421-9991 to sign up.

What do I have to do?

All you have to do is fill out a survey that takes about half an hour once a year. That’s it!

If you are not a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and would like to support this study financially, please visit their donate page. If you live in the United States and want to volunteer for Pride Net – regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation – check out their volunteer page.

How easy is it?

I signed up since I’m genderqueer and pansexual. I found that it was really easy and very accessible. You can even connect a FitBit, Withings, or Jawbone Up to provide even more data.

Your dashboard also gives you statistics on how the research participant pool looks right now in relation to your own identities. As of June 3rd, 16% of people in the study identified as genderqueer and 15% identified as pansexual.

I have to say, though, 77% of participants as of that date are white. Let’s get some diversity!

You can learn more about PRIDENet, the team, and find answers to many questions at For more info on the study, check out this PDF.

Survey: Experiences Related to Sexual Orientation

Emma – a friend of a friend – is working on her Ph.D. She’s currently researching how our sexual orientation affects our life experiences. This particular survey asks questions about sexual orientation, stigma around that, and health.

I took this and it was really easy. This survey takes about half an hour to finish. It’s anonymous and. At the end, you can enter your email to win an Amazon gift card!

Click here to help out with this academic research.

Urgent Research Opportunity on Sexual Education

Urgent Research Opportunity on Sexual Education with Disabilities


One of my pals Sarah is currently working on her dissertation at the University of Cambridge. She put together a great study centered on sexual education for people with disabilities in the UK. Unfortunately, a ton of people haven’t responded and, with a deadline already gone by, she’s without data.

But, guess what? YOU CAN HELP!

For more information on the study, please click here. Note that originally Sarah was limiting her research to the UK. However, due to a lack of responses, you can respond regardless of where you live or were educated.

If you can help, please download this Word document and email it to Sarah.

Research Opportunity: Poll on HRT and Top/Bottom Surgery

Research Opportunity: Poll on HRT and Top/Bottom Surgery

Charlie, one of my favorite people ever, is currently running a poll on HRT and top/bottom surgery for an upcoming presentation.

The following is from Charlie:

This is a two part poll for those who have experience trying to access hormones and or top/bottom surgery. The purpose of the poll is to collect some quick community data for my MedX Ed presentation on the informed consent vs World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care, and it will remain open until Thursday (24th). Please feel free to share amongst your networks so that as much of the trans community’s experience can be represented as possible. I also encourage you to respond to the poll with your comments, thoughts, and concerns about the standards/models so that they can be reflected in the talk/Q&A portion.

You can find the poll on Charlie’s Twitter. Part 1 on HRT is here and part 2 on top/bottom surgery is here.